Inner Alignment Physical Therapy is a holistic practice that takes a mind * body * spirit approach to physical ailments and injuries. I specialize in postpartum health, pelvic floor rehab & wellness, core function and stored trauma in the body that presents itself as pain.
I combine my 20 years experience of professional dance & Pilates, brain injury & vestibular rehab, pelvic floor & core activation, breath work and meditation to create a comprehensive program for every patient. Please click on services to see the full list that I offer.
Because sifting through the mind and spirit often require special attention, I highly recommend the SELF program as a powerful adjunct to any physical therapy. The SELF spirit-energy-light-found Program uses meditation, breath work, and other self introspection tools to guide you towards what you desire in your life: a deeper level to healing your physical pain, joy at the end of the day, the acceptance of What Is. I am here to help hold that space for you. The SELF program is a 10 week program that is done through Zoom or audio phone.
Click on The SELF Program for more information.
I combine my 20 years experience of professional dance & Pilates, brain injury & vestibular rehab, pelvic floor & core activation, breath work and meditation to create a comprehensive program for every patient. Please click on services to see the full list that I offer.
Because sifting through the mind and spirit often require special attention, I highly recommend the SELF program as a powerful adjunct to any physical therapy. The SELF spirit-energy-light-found Program uses meditation, breath work, and other self introspection tools to guide you towards what you desire in your life: a deeper level to healing your physical pain, joy at the end of the day, the acceptance of What Is. I am here to help hold that space for you. The SELF program is a 10 week program that is done through Zoom or audio phone.
Click on The SELF Program for more information.